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V-Plus Solidaire

Rate for scholarship holders, young people on a social inclusion programm and recipients of Ile-de-France Mobilité free travel

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Supporting document(s)

To subscribe to this package, you must send us supporting documents

Accepted formats: PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG. Maximum size: 5 MB.

The expected supporting documents are :

Identity document (CNI, driver's license or passport)
Scholarship status certificate OR Transport concession certificate
Parental consent
Parent's ID (CNI, driver's license or passport)
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
Please select a smaller file (maximum size 5 MB).
Please select a PDF, PNG, JPG or JPEG file.
You are aged between 14 and 18 years. Please supply us with your parents' consent in order to subscribe to the service.


To use the Vélib' Métropole service, you must specify your communication preferences and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use (GTCAU). General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use (GTCAU).

* Mandatory fields