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The objective of mediation

Consumer mediation is an amicable procedure designed to resolve disputes. It allows conflicts to be defused by recourse to an independent and impartial third party in a manner which is both swift and effective.

This type of mediation provides consumers with solutions which are fast, appropriate and free of charge.

Furthermore, mediation is an amicable process which is completely confidential.

The mediator is careful to listen and pay particular attention to every case, taking into account the circumstances and context of the events that occurred.

Fairness is a fundamental aspect of the mediation process.

This means that a recommendation made by a mediator, while not a decision of the courts, provides an amicable means of redress allowing both sides to resolve a dispute quickly, fairly, and in a manner which is free of charge to users of Self-Service Cycles.

The mediator pledges to observe the following values:

  • Impartiality and independence: the mediator possesses human qualities essential to the principle of mediation, which are an ability to listen and dialogue, and a willingness to educate, to be pragmatic and available.
  • Strict neutrality: the mediator is detached from all internal and/or external pressures and is not directed by anybody.
  • Fidelity: the mediator ensures the parties give their free and informed consent, gives clear, comprehensive information about the principle of mediation and how it works, and ensures that all parties fully understand the process.
  • Confidentiality: complete confidentiality applies throughout the entire process, except where otherwise required by law.

Once mediation has ended, the mediator issues a fair, impartial recommendation. The user remains at liberty to accept or reject the mediator's favoured method of resolving the dispute. However, Smovengo has pledged to follow the mediator's recommendations in all circumstances.

The Mediator of the Conseil National des Professions de l'Automobile [French national automotive trades council]

Smovengo, the company responsible for operating the Vélib' Métropole system, has chosen to use the services of the Mediator of the Conseil National des Professions de l'Automobile (CNPA), which is officially listed among French mediation services authorised to settle consumer disputes in our industrial sector, which concerns vehicle distribution.

The CNPA service is recognised as a skilled provider of high-quality, independent mediation.

The person who delivers the service is Paul Mauriac, a mediator and trained lawyer who is highly experienced in both fields.

For further information, the user can visit the CNPA Mediator website at any time at the following address: http://www.mediateur-cnpa.fr/qui-sommes-nous.htm

Users residing in the EU or EEA who have purchased a service online are also made aware that they have the option of recourse to the EU Online Dispute Resolution Service: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

The steps to be followed in order to apply to the Mediator of the CNPA, who acts on behalf of companies including SMOVENGO, are outlined below:

  • Where a dispute with Customer Service persists, and once all normal complaints channels have been exhausted.

This implies that the user must first address their complaint to the Customer Service department:

  • by using the various forms available on the Website for this purpose
  • by sending an email to [email protected]
  • r by sending a letter to Service Clients Vélib' Métropole – TSA 71111 – 92 667 Asnières-Sur-Seine Cedex.

The User must do so within six months of the event disputed.

Following the receipt of two responses the User deems unsatisfactory, he/she may apply to the Mediator of the CNPA.

The application for mediation must be made no more than one year after the written complaint was sent to Vélib' Métropole Customer Service.

  • In the absence of a response from Customer Service within a period of two months.

  • Written application only:

  • using the "Request mediation" form on the website's home page at http://www.mediateur-cnpa.fr/


  • by email to: [email protected]
  • by sending a letter to: le Médiateur du Conseil national des professions de l'automobile (CNPA), 50, rue Rouget de Lisle, 92158 Suresnes Cedex

If the User opts to apply to the CNPA mediation service by email or post, he/she must complete and enclose the form which can be downloaded from the "Contact Us" section on its website.